Leitch group – past and present
Wenjia (Emily) Gu. PhD student (2018-2022). The interaction of Nitrogen and Phosphorus and plant genome size with the growth of Plants. Recipient of a CSC scholarship.
Leif Bersweden (2019 (2021). Genomic evidence for polyphyly and inter-lineage hybridization within Orchis purpurea Huds. (Orchidaceae). NERC student
Luca Pegoraro. PhD student (2016-2020). The Evolution of Asteraceae in the European Alps. Recipient of Harding Alpine Research Scholarship.
Dr Shah Khalid (2019), soil ecologist visiting with a British Council grant from Islamia College Peshawar, Pakistan, to build collaborations on projects investigating soil health on plant growth.

Dr Laura Kelly, expert phylogeneticist (2009-2012). Fritillaria genomics (Giant Genomes) and NGS analysis. l.kelly@kew.org. See her webpage.
Dr Monika Struebig, expert in NGS technologies. Previously worked on holocentric chromosomes in Luzula. m.bozek@qmul.ac.uk

Dr Lu Ma (2012-2014), expert molecular cytogeneticist, with expertise in fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH), immunocytochemistry and artificial chromosome construction in plants. He is currently working as a Marie Curie Fellow on Giant Genomes.
Dr Peter Day, Ph.D. student (2010-2013). Fritillaria genetics and phylogenetics, phylogenetic reconstruction methodologies. pdd@decisionsoft.com
Dr Nian Wang, Ph.D. student (2011-2014). Betula hybridisation, polyploidy and speciation; genetics, phylogenetics, and evolution. wangnian@mail.kib.ac.cn
Dr Brian Yap, Ph.D. student (2011-2014). Paphiopedilum taxonomy, phylogenetics, cytogenetics and evolution. yapjingwei@yahoo.com
Dr Steven Dodsworth, Ph.D. student (2012-2015). Nicotiana genomics, evolution of genome structures, epigenetics and polyploidy. steven.dodsworth@qmul.ac.uk. See his webpage.
Dr Maïté Guignard, Ph.D. student (2012-2015). Linking genome size evolution and macronutrient availability in freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. m.s.guignard@qmul.ac.uk
Dr Sarah Seco Leite, PhD student (2013-2017). The role of genome size in the efficiency of photosynthesis. s.leite@qmul.ac.uk
Dr Wencai Wang, Ph.D. student (2012-2015). Epigenetics and genome structure evolution in gymnosperms. wencai.wang@qmul.ac.uk
Dr Jeannine Marquardt, Ph.D. student (2012-2015). Hybridisation in bluebells. jeannine.marquardt@qmul.ac.uk
Dr Hannes Becher, postgraduate intern (2013-2014). Fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) and genome analysis in Fritillaria.
Colleagues now elsewhere

Simon Renny-Byfield (2009-2012), worked on Nicotiana polyploidy, NGS sequence analysis and fluorescent in situ hybridisation. Now working with Jonathan Wendel in Iowa. s.byfield@mac.com
Dr Mike Chester (2007- 2010), worked on Allium telomeres, now working on Tragopogon polyploids with the Soltis’ group in Florida. mchester@ufl.edu
Dr Elizabeth McCarthy (2007-2010), worked on the influence of polyploidy on Nicotiana flower development. Now working at the New York Botanical Garden. emccarth@gmail.com
We are particularly thankful for the close collaboration of our friends and colleagues in the labs run by: Dr Ales Kovarik, Dr Marie Angele Grandbastien, Dr Lily Ainouche, Professor Mark Chase, Professor Sandra Knapp, Dr Jiri Macas, Dr Ilia Leitch, Dr Mike Fay, Professor Doug Soltis, Professor Pam Soltis.